Sunil Yogachrya receives a trophy from Swami Satymitrananad ji president of Bharat Mata Mandir during a 2011 Yoga Parishad event
Sunil Yogacharya with Achrya Lokesh Muni president of Ahimsa Vishwa Bharti and Meena Ji president of Pranam Foundation in a meditation retreat
Sunil Yogacharya with B.K.S. Iyengar president of Iyenger Yoga and Meditation
Sunil Yogachrya with Shri Shri Ravishnakar head of Art of Living and Swami Vishudhanand, all are master or Yoga and Meditation
Sunil Yogachrya with Swami Ramdev ji head of Patanjali Yogpeedh. Master Yoga and Meditation
Sunil Yogachrya with Shri Subhash Patri ji he is master of Pyramid Meditation and President of PSSM
Sunil Yogachrya with Swami Ravindra ji he is Shankrachrya.
Sunil Yogachrya with Shri Mohan Bhagwat ji head of R.S.S.
Sunil Yogachrya with Dr. Lajpat Rai Mehra founder of Neurotherapy, Dr. Dinesh Trivedi Member of Parliament and Acharya Lokesh Muni president of Ahimsha Viswa Bharti
Sunil Yogachrya with Shri Mati Pratibha Patil, President of India, Shri Jaiprakash Jaishwal, Member of Parliament, Achrya Lokesh Muni president of Ahimsha Vishwa Bharti and Swami Chidanand Muni president of Parmarth Niketan
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